segunda-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2010

Just for Her - spring's colors

Escrevi esse poema em inglês a muito tempo atrás, quando um relacionamento muito importante para mim chegou ao fim... Eu escrevi e larguei salvo em um documento no computador, sem corrigir nem reler...Vou postá-lo aqui e qualquer erro gostaria que me informassem.

Just for Her - spring's colors
"I'm here, waiting...
But I don't know what I’m waiting for
I'm here, looking...
But I don't know what I’m looking for
I'm here, after you, after all.
Once more I walk this way lonely, and I can't find my way home
maybe tomorrow I can do that, But today
the streets sounds better, and each bar scene is calling my name.
And after each lonely step my heart losing himself...
Take my hand once more, the lights of city is shining with no felling…
and the stars shining cold so far in the dark sky.
this time was the first time that I looked into your eyes…
Grays, like the autumn, so gray… so lonely… so tired...
the world is so cold, my mind is so confused. where are you going?
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you...
Now....and I ... I don't mind,
The firsts white hairs... the firsts blur images...
I know, this is so confuse, and I know our path mismatch.
Maybe in some sunny day I'll find you, or you'll find me.
and maybe we look each other, no word is spoken,
and we will follow our ways again, lonely.
But now… I close my eyes, I take the last breath...
and just jump, yah baby, I can fly!"
D-CODE algun dia/04/2010
eu deixei grifado aquela frase, pois hoje descobri que existe uma frase identica na música "Guaranteed" do Eddie Vedder, fiquei supreso e feliz, pois não sabia dessa música até 30 minutos atrás.

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